VPN is short for Virtual Private Network. It can be defined as the method generally used to improve privacy and security in public and private networks, Internet access points, and Wi-Fi. VPNs are generally used by various types of companies
Top Security Apps to Protect Your Android
Security has been a hot topic lately when discussing the applications available on the Android platform. As the Android Market grows, there are more and more apps that pose a threat to the Android operating system. Recently, some apps that
Top Web Browsers for Privacy and Security
This new and updated secure browser guide takes a sneak preview into the topics of browser security and privacy. (Updated on November 15, 2019) In our data-driven world, your personal data has become one of the most valuable resources. Interestingly,
How Fintech Is Creating Disruptions in Banking and Finance
Virtual reality, augmented reality, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. All of these are buzzwords rocking various industries to the core, but the one that seems to be disrupting a stubborn industry, so to speak, is Fintech. Simply an aggregation of
Security Breach – Definition and Prevention
A security breach is known as an unauthorized access to data, applications, services, networks, and devices, bypassing the underlying security mechanisms. A security breach occurs when a person or hacker enters a private, confidential or unauthorized IT area illegally. A
Back to School Cybersecurity Tips for Kids and Parents
Summer vacation is over and your kids are already started with the new school year. Here is the thing: apart from telling them “not to talk to strangers”, you should probably teach them some basic Cybersecurity Tips on how to
Hacktivism and Cyber Warfare – what are the differences?
As a term, hacktivism has become prevalent recently and describes individuals or groups who plan to affect political change as well as damage their ideological opponents. The prominent incidents in this space are a group of hackers who revealed the
IoT Privacy Challenges and Big Data Business Concerns
Saying that the Internet of Things or IoT is exploding is an understatement. Analysts expect that by year 2020, there will be over 50 billion devices that will have an internet connection and the devices will generate large amounts of
Windows 10 Security News and Updates for 2019
As spyware and ransomware issues are constantly on the rise, it is imperative for users to remain vigilant to keep their pertinent data protected from all sorts of attackers. With the continuous expansion of the landscape and scope of cybersecurity
Where is Customer Data Being Used and Stored?
Customer Data is now the main priority for all types and sizes of businesses. With the proliferation of technologies capturing and analyzing data, there is also an improvement in the abilities of businesses to contextualize data then acquire new insights